Counselling is a talking therapy that provides a safe, confidential non-judgemental space for you to discuss the issues. Our counsellors are there to listen to you and to help you find solutions. Counselling is a great way to overcome many issues such as:
- Anxiety
- Relationships including couple counselling
- Bereavement
- Addictions
- Sexual abuse
- Depression
- Stress including work related
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychological issues
The Light House (Christian Care Ministry) Trust Ltd, provides counselling and supervision services for clients and counsellors from a wide area around Coventry, Warwickshire and the West Midlands. The Light House is an Affiliated Organisation of the Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions (see http://www.acc-uk.org) and follows the ethos and practices of this organisation.

In light of the BBC investigation into a life coaching organisation with a similar name to ours, we at The Light House are an independent charity that is in no way affiliated or has any connections with the organisation the BBC were investigating. We have been serving the people of Coventry and Warwickshire since 1986