Shining a light in the darkness

Couple Counselling

Our staff counsellors are fully trained and have many years experience of working with couples. As with individual counselling, The Light House offers a safe space for you to talk through any issues you may be experiencing in your relationship.

Individual Counselling

We offer individual counselling for anyone over the age of 18 regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender or sexuality. The Light House is a safe place to discuss any issues no matter how big or small in a non-judgemental environment.

How many sessions?
We can offer you up to 8 counselling sessions initially, if further sessions are required this will be done in discussion with your counsellor and at the discretion of the agency. Counselling sessions can be weekly, fortnightly or as agreed with your counsellor. All our counsellors are members of a recognised professional body, e.g. ACC, BACP.

Initial assessment
All clients will have an Initial Assessment, this usually takes about an hour. The Initial Assessment session is free, however there is a registration fee (see below). The Initial Assessment is with a counsellor who will not necessarily be your counsellor for counselling. After the Initial Assessment there is a wait period while a suitable counsellor is allocated to you.


The Light House as a charitable organisation relies on donations to fund our work. These donations come from those who support our work on a regular basis and from any successful applications to Grant Making Trusts. The Light House is also dependent upon the income received through payments from our clients, without which we could not continue to provide a counselling service to all those in need of counselling help. This money also goes towards the general running costs of the charity.

*Please note, New fee structure above from January 2024.

Registration fees
To register for counselling with us, we have a non-refundable registration fee of £20 for an individual and £25 for a couple, which is to cover our administration costs. This fee is payable upon registration and must be paid before your free Initial Assessment takes place. All clients who refer to The Light House for counselling require an Initial Assessment prior to commencing counselling, this assessment is FREE. The session usually lasts an hour.

Counselling session fees

Our clients are asked to make a financial contribution towards their sessions, and your session contribution rate will reflect your annual household income and this will be agreed upon at your initial assessment. Our minimum contribution rate is £20 per session, but we know that some people who would benefit from receiving counselling may struggle to pay the usual minimum contribution rate to have counselling with us. Supported counselling may be available for those clients with a household income of less than £19,999. The minimum contribution rate of £20 per session can be reduced at the discretion of Light House, when funds are available through either bursaries, project funding or the Light House Support Fund. This supported counselling can reduce each session by up to £10 per session for those who are in work or up to £15 per session for those who are out of work or reliant upon universal credit or other benefits. Proof of benefits will be required.

We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different and you might feel that the contribution rate scale does not reflect what is affordable for you. For those whose household income is above £20,000 and you believe there are exceptional circumstances we need to consider, we will be happy to discuss this with you at your initial assessment.

All fees will be discussed and agreed upon at your initial assessment appointment. For those who are on benefits, proof of benefits will be required.

The Light House is committed to providing a counselling service that is accessible to all, we understand that everyone’s circumstances are different, and you might feel that the contribution rate scale does not reflect what is affordable for you. If you believe there are exceptional circumstances we need to take into account, we will be happy to discuss this with you at your Initial Assessment.

Evening Sessions
We currently do not provide counselling sessions after 6pm.

Registration & Payment

If you are making a payment on behalf of someone else please make sure you state their name in the
‘more information’ box when you pay.

If you are making a referral from another agency please ring up to register and make payment or click
here to make an online referral

 *Please note: It may take up to 12 weeks after you have had your initial assessment to start counselling.
Registration fees are non-refundable

Please click one of the registration options below and complete.

Your personal details are held securely and are only used in order to communicate with you for  provision of counselling services. All data is processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Selecting ‘Submit’ button above indicates that you are happy for your details to be used in this way.

Clicking the ‘PayPal Checkout’ button (yellow) will take you to PayPal’s options click here for a visual of that page, this gives you the option to login to PayPal account or a further option to pay by Debit or credit card click here for a visual of PayPal’s debit/credit card payment.  

Clicking directly on the ‘Debit or Credit Card’ button (black) takes you to this option click here for a visual and seems easier if you are not using PayPal.

If you do not see any of these pages or are having difficulty, PayPal suggests; clearing your browser history/cache or trying a different browser. 

Our Clients say..........

If you are struggling financially, please fill in ‘further information’ here so the agency manager can look at reducing the registration fee. We don’t wish to turn anyone away due to lack of finance. Click here