To pay for your counselling Session

The amount for you to pay will have been discussed in your initial assessment and should appear on your agreement to counselling form that you signed. If you are not sure please get in touch before making your payment. Payments can also be accepted by phone – call 02476 440095


Clicking the ‘Pay Now’ button will take you to the fee page click here for a visual of that page, fill in the agreed fee amount and click continue, this will take you to a payment page with two options (you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay)  Click here for a visual of the following page, If you do not see the 2nd option “pay by Debit or Credit card’ PayPal suggests; clearing your browser history/cache or try a different browser. Alternatively, if this doesn’t work you can pay over the phone 02476440095 or come into the office.

Please note, New fee structure will be implemented in January 2024.